Event Coverage: The iliad Creative Celebration
The iliad Literary-Art Magazine commemorated the release of its 2024 edition, “Prometheus,” through a celebratory event at Nuçi’s Space on Aug. 26.
Press Release: 2024 Honorable Mentions
The iliad Literary-Art Magazine was published May 8 and distribution began on May 23. The magazine contains the written and visual contributions of 57 students, which Editor-in-Chief Olivia Hendershot curated in concert with her editorial board.
Hidden Lives with Cate DeMaria
iliad Managing Editor Cate DeMaria speaks with several individuals from Clarke Central High School about their unknown lives and backgrounds.
Hidden Lives with Victoria Garland
iliad Social Media Cordinator Victoria Garland speaks with several individuals from Clarke Central High School about their unknown lives and backgrounds.
2023-2024 ODYSSEY and iliad End of the Year Celebration
Family, friends, special guests, and staff of the ODYSSEY Media Group and iliad Literary-Art Magazine gathered at 1055 Barber on May 19.
Press Release: Best of the Best
The 2023 edition of the iliad was one of 17 literary magazines recognized as a Pacemaker by the National Scholastic Press Association.
Confluence 2: CCSD High School Student Pop-Up Exhibition
Athens Institute for Contemporary Art will host their second CCSD High School Pop-up, “Confluence 2” from March 21-27.
Striving for Superior
Students will perform in the Large Group Performance Evaluation (LGPE) on March 19 in the E.B. Mell Auditorium.
Artist Visit: Broderick Flanigan
Local artist Broderick Flanigan spoke to CCHS students and staff in the CCHS Media Center on March. 6.
Why We Do iliad
We asked the 2023-2024 iliad Editorial Board Team why they do iliad, and this is what they said.
Event Coverage: Southern Interscholastic Press Association
ODYSSEY Media Group staffers and editors, Journalism 1 students, and iliad Editorial Board members attended the 2024 Southern Interscholastic Press Association Convention in Columbia, South Carolina, between Feb. 29 and March 3.
Flowing Through The 2020 iliad
In the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the production of the iliad’s 45th edition was disrupted, but the dedication of the students behind the scenes carried the book to completion.
Status Update: A Fall Semester With The iliad
The iliad Literary-Art Magazine’s Editorial Board made progress on program production throughout the first semester.
Event Coverage: Q&A with Becky Albertalli
Award-winning author Becky Albertalli spoke to CCHS students and staff in the CCHS Media Center on Feb. 6.
Artist Visit: Becky Albertalli
Young adult author Becky Albertalli will visit CCHS on Feb. 6 to speak to students about her experiences as an author.
The Fall 2023 Poetry Showcase
Clarke Central High School's current and former poetry students performed a variety of poetry in the CCHS Media Center on Dec. 11.
New traditions
The fine arts department will hold its second annual Fall Fine Arts Night in the E.B. Mell Lobby and Auditorium from 6-7:30 p.m on Nov. 16.
Event Coverage: National Scholastic Press Association
ODYSSEY Media Group and iliad Literary-Art Magazine editorial board members attended the National Scholastic Press Association Journalism Education Association Fall 2023 National Fall High School Journalism Convention in Boston, Massachusetts from Nov. 2-4.
Review: Bottoms
Orion Pictures Brownstone Productions debuted “Bottoms,” a teen comedy, in theaters on Sept. 1.
Artist Visit: Inspiration to Create
Established in the Spring of the 2021-2022 school year, the CCHS Media Center and fine arts department came together to conduct Artist Visits in hopes of inspiring creativity in students.