Reexamining “Taste Life Twice”
Above: TASTE LIFE TWICE: The cover of the 30th volume of the iliad Literary-Art Magazineis shown above. iliad Managing Editor Victoria Garland read through the magazine and compiled her thoughts on the book’s content. “The evolution of the iliad as a publication was put into perspective after exploring ‘Taste Life Twice.’ Citing an anonymous staff member who wrote the theme letter for the 30th volume of the iliad: ‘When I write, I recapture life and events so that I can live them again and, better yet, someone else can live them through my writing,’” Garland wrote. Graphic by Victoria Garland
The 2006 edition of the iliad “Taste Life Twice” encapsulates the creative minds at the time and explores themes of reaching new heights and coming of age.
“Taste Life Twice” was the 30th volume of the iliad Literary-Art Magazine published 18 years ago in 2006. The theme for the book was based on a quote from author and diarist Anais Nin that stated, “We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect.” This magazine’s colorful cover and intriguing title quickly leave readers with an initial impression of joy and optimism that is contradicted as they explore the book. The content inside “Taste Life Twice” is in black and white and mainly features photography and written pieces.
The “Letter from the Editor”, written by Mary Grace Hager, emphasizes how the iliad embraces the Editorial Board's process and journey as they mature as journalists and people.
The theme letter explained how parts of life can be captured through forums such as writing and art, and how those documentations can later be relived by oneself and others.
Those themes of growth and living life are presented throughout the 68-page magazine in a dreamy and nostalgic, yet eerie way. The whimsical portraits and angsty prose and poetry pieces highlighting home, heartbreak, and future contributed to the ghostly feel. The photograph “Fallen” by Ella Grace Downs pictures two girls sprawled on a staircase, evoking emotion and wonder about the scenario, while the written piece “Broken Teacup” by Lilli Crowe contributes to the angst by describing the subject's heart as a teacup that had been shattered.
The evolution of the iliad as a publication was put into perspective after exploring “Taste Life Twice.” Citing an anonymous staff member who wrote the theme letter for the 2006 iliad, “When I write, I recapture life and events so that I can live them again and, better yet, someone else can live them through my writing.”
Diving into this book with no knowledge of the staff dynamic, personnel, or events from the year, the theme was powerful to evaluate 18 years later in seeing how that idea came to life and how it serves as a time capsule for the student artists at Clarke Central High School.
Story by Victoria Garland
Victoria Garland is a senior at Clarke Central High School in Athens, Georgia and serves as the Managing Editor for the iliad Literary-Art Magazine. Garland’s passionate about sharing students creativity, and hopes to provide more of an outlet through social media. Outside of school Garland is on a competitive cheerleading team, plays piano, and enjoys hanging out with friends.