Press Release: REALM First Class

Above: MOTIVATING PRODUCTION: iliad Managing Editor Victoria Garland, a senior, speaks at the iliad Creative Celebration on Aug. 26. Garland has been an Editorial Board member for the past two years, and was inspired by the REALM recognition. “Having our publication recognized is an honor and a huge motivator to finish this year strong,” Garland said. Photo by Grady Dunston 

The iliad Literary-Art Magazine received the rank of REALM First Class in the Recognizing Excellence in Art and Literary Magazines (REALM) program on Feb. 7. 

The National Council of Teachers of English recognized the iliad Literary-Art Magazine with its highest honor, REALM First Class on Feb. 7. NCTE’s Recognizing Excellence in Art and Literary Magazines (REALM) program works to publicly recognize top literary magazine programs to encourage all schools to develop literary magazines. 

“It’s important for any school to have a widespread outlet for creativity, especially a program like the iliad,iliad Editor-in-Chief Olivia Hendershot said. “Our platform expresses the importance of art in any community, and we hope to continue to share artists' work.”

NCTE is the oldest organization of Pre-K through graduate school literacy educators and works to improve the teaching and learning of language arts through programs such as REALM. 

“It’s our main job to give young creators at CCHS (Clarke Central High School) a platform to express themselves and better their future after high school,” Hendershot said. “Art has always been a tricky career to pursue but our magazine and club can help students by giving them the opportunity to become published artists.”

The REALM program encourages all schools to celebrate art and writing through literary magazines produced by students with the support of their teachers. For Margo McDaniel, the iliad’s Writing Director for the last two years, the goals of REALM and the iliad are closely aligned. 

“Students have the opportunity to become published writers and artists while only in high school, which is really a great opportunity,” McDaniel said. “It’s like a public display of the creative work (at CCHS), which is really important for the community to see.” 

This year, schools in 46 states and five countries nominated 422 student magazines. 125 magazines, including the iliad, were awarded the contest’s highest distinction, REALM First Class.

“The iliad team has definitely earned this recognition and I couldn’t be more grateful,” Hendershot said. “Getting this recognition will help future (iliad) staffs have a bigger and more recognizable platform at CCHS.”

For iliad faculty adviser David Ragsdale, who also serves on the REALM Committee for NCTE, the award is a testament to the leadership of Hendershot and her staff.  

“Olivia was a first-time EIC last year as a junior, and she’s followed in the footsteps of some programmatic legends.  It is beyond rewarding to her lead a young team to success,” Ragsdale said.  “I expect continued success from Olivia and her team this year.”

Above: HIGH EXPECTATIONS: A graphic honors the iliad Literary-Art Magazine’s recognition in the Recognizing Excellence in Art and Literary Magazines (REALM) contest. iliad Writing Director Margo McDaniel, a junior, found motivation in the recognition. “Receiving a top honor from REALM is really exciting, and it feels really rewarding for the hard work that we do,” McDaniel said. “I hope that we can continue to hold ourselves to high expectations.” Graphic courtesy of REALM


Story by Niles Flath

Niles Flath is a junior at Clarke Central High School in Athens Georgia. She serves as Outreach Director for the iliad Literary-Art Magazine. Flath hopes to make connections with creators both inside and outside the CCHS walls and showcase their work through the iliad program. In her free time, she enjoys playing tennis, swimming, and hanging out with friends.


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