Camaraderie in Concert
Above: HAPPY FOR THE HOLIDAYS: Director of Orchestras and fine arts department co-chair Dr. Eunice Kang (right) and Mastery Orchestra violinist Samuel Lorenzini (left), a sophomore, pose in Room 251 on Dec. 2. In preparation for the Orchestra's Winter Concert on Dec. 16, the various classes worked to learn and perfect the pieces they’ll perform. “I feel good. I think everybody individually is doing good,” Lorenzini said. “(We’ve done) lots of practice, a lot of sectionals. Every day we immediately play, and then we'll break up into groups. Dr. Kang will give private instruction to one section, like, first violin, second violins, violas, cello, or bass.” Photo by Victoria Garland
The holidays are approaching, and the CCHS Orchestra students are gearing up to perform their annual Winter Concert.
The Clarke Central High School Orchestra's Winter Concert will take place on Monday, Dec. 16, at 6 p.m. in the E.B. Mell Auditorium. The Orchestra students are preparing for the performance, which features holiday pieces, classical, and Broadway.
Director of Orchestras and fine arts department co-chair Dr. Eunice Kang selected various pieces for the Clarke Central High School’s Orchestra annual event with originality and skill in mind.
“The concert will (feature) beautiful holiday music, as well as non-holiday,” Kang said. “We do different music each year because most kids are in Orchestra for four years, so we don't want to repeat things they've already played- keep it fresh (for them) and also fresh for their parents. I always strive to give them fun yet challenging, yet not overwhelming music.”
Mastery Orchestra violinist Samuel Lorenzini, a sophomore, is eager to perform.
“The concert is going to be a fun experience. We’re playing some pieces with other classes (and) it's always fun to play with multiple groups,” Lorenzini said. “It's just gonna be a lot of fun to share the progress that we've made over the semester.”
Additionally, throughout his preparation for the concert, Lorenzini has bonded with fellow performers.
“Orchestra is a big community. (You don't) just play an instrument and happen to be around (other) people who play an instrument,” Lorenzini said.” I think it's important in an orchestra to develop or do things as a community.”
According to Kang, the show is free, and all support and attendance is/are encouraged.
“(The students) are very excited. They've invited their family and friends already, and it's always a fun time because everyone's ready for the holidays (and) in the giving spirit,” Kang said. “It's always a great opportunity to perform, to work hard towards a goal and present your very best to the audience.”
Story by Victoria Garland
Victoria Garland is a senior at Clarke Central High School in Athens, Georgia and serves as the Managing Editor for the iliad Literary-Art Magazine. Garland’s passionate about sharing students creativity, and hopes to provide more of an outlet through social media. Outside of school Garland is on a competitive cheerleading team, plays piano, and enjoys hanging out with friends.