That’s A Wrap
Above: SING A SONG: (From left to right) ODYSSEY Media Group Adviser David Ragsdale, operatic soprano Angela Brown, iliad Editor-in-Chief Kaija Gilbertson Hall, Benjamin Campbell, and iliad Outreach Director Salai Diekumpuna pose for a photo on Feb. 24 at “iliad hosts Angela Brown,” honoring Brown as the Willson Center 2023 Delta Visiting Chair. Gilbertson Hall was excited that students got the opportunity to experience a self-made opportunist and be exposed to opera. “I don’t think a lot of students are aware (of) opera, it’s such a unique and interesting style of performance and music,” Gilbertson Hall said. “I’m always an advocate for exposing to all kinds of creativity cause you never know if it could spark something in a student and make them realize that they want to go into that as a field or follow their own passion.” Photo by Aza Khan
That’s A Wrap
The iliad Editorial Board has been very active both inside and outside of Clarke Central High School since the end of the Creative Writing Project in January.
After the Creative Writing Project (CWP) wrapped up in late January, members of the iliad Editorial Board continued working. During the subsequent months, the iliad Editorial Board attended SIPA and GSPA, produced content for our website, began designing the 2023 edition of the iliad, and solicited applications for the 2023-24 iliad Editorial Board.
Above: OVER AND OUT: The 2022-23 iliad Editorial Board staff is wrapping up their year and the returning iliad Editorial Board members are heading into the new year with fresh ideas on their minds. Adviser David Ragsdale has prepared all members of the 2022-23 iliad Editorial Board for success on their continuing journeys and is looking forward to welcoming the new iliad Editorial Board staff. “At the end of the year we couldn’t be more proud of our seniors and the foundation they have laid,” Ragsdale said. “We’re excited for the opportunity to work with new young people and to grow the brand and the program for the next several years.”
After the CWP the iliad Editorial Board prepared to facilitate “iliad hosts Angela Brown”: an event honoring Brown, the Willson Center for Humanities and Arts 2023 Delta Visiting Chair. The performance held Feb. 24 in Clarke Central High School’s Mell Auditorium was in partnership with the fine arts department and Media Specialist Angie Pendley.
“I thought it would be very helpful to attend and learn a few things,” music student Benjamin Campbell said. “It was a good opportunity to see one of the best in the field perform for us.”
Editor-in-Chief Kaija Gilbertson Hall, Outreach Director Salai Diekumpuna, and Campbell—all CCHS seniors—moderated the event. Facilitating this event was a way for the iliad Editorial Board to interact with the CCHS and Athens community.
“(Moderating) was a very cool opportunity that I wasn’t used to,” Campbell said. “It was important to me (to moderate with iliad) because I never did an event like that. (Brown) was so nice and funny. I enjoyed getting the chance to talk to her and get to know more about her as a person, (and having) guidance and help through the preparation was very beneficial for me.”
Following the moderated event, Gilbertson Hall and the iliad Editorial Board began compiling the literary-art magazine with submissions received from the CCHS community.
“Creating this year’s magazine has been my favorite thing I’ve done in iliad, Gilbertson Hall said. “Getting to showcase student art and writing is so wonderful and being able to compile it into a cohesive magazine has been really rewarding.”
Throughout the year members of the iliad Editorial Board have worked to produce content for our website and Instagram in the production class.
“The class is really unique because it allows us to have a designated time every day to work together on expanding the iliad,” Gilbertson Hall said. “Being in the class is great because we’re always coming up with new ideas to put on our website and in our magazine.”
At the beginning of March, the iliad Editorial Board attended the 2023 Southern Interscholastic Press Association (SIPA) conference in Colombia, SC.
“This was my second SIPA, (and) I originally wasn’t planning on coming back this year but after considering it more, I realized it would be a good experience to learn new things and hang out with everybody,” Social Media Coordinator Ollie Hendershot said.
Left: OVER AGAIN: iliad Social Media Coordinator Ollie Hendershot and OMG Viewpoints Staffer Isabelle Galis sit in the main ballroom at the SIPA conference on March 5 as they wait for the awards ceremony to begin. Hendershot reflected on how her experience at last year’s SIPA conference was much different from her experience at the 2023 SIPA conference when she attend for the second time. “SIPA gets better every year, (and) I love hanging out with everyone and walking around Columbia,” Hendershot said. “I feel like I learn a lot too, not just from sessions but (also) by the general experiences I have.” Photo by Aza Kahn
Each year during SIPA the iliad Editorial Board enters a team for the literary magazine Team Onsite Production (TOP) competition. This year’s team included Illustrator Antonio Starks, Hendershot, ODYSSEY Media Group Viewpoints staffer Isabelle Galis, and Diekumpuna.
“(During the TOP competition) we designed a page that included a creative writing piece and a painting, and it was put into a layout,” Galis said. “It was a remarkable experience and I had the best time bonding with the people on my team,”
(Left): Alexandrite’s Curse
Suffering In Silence: The smell of sweat fills the air. The walls are white, the floor is gray and hard, and the room is divided by light green curtains. Their bright color would’ve been a reminder of the green trees in spring but there is nothing natural or loving about the cold metal tools and the phantom feeling of the anesthesia.
Above: IN TIME: ODYSSEY Media Group Illustrator Antonio Starks, OMG Viewpoints staffer Isabelle Gallis, iliad Social Media Coordinator Ollie Hendershot, and iliad Outreach Director Salai Diekumpuna competed in the Literary Magazine Team Onsite Production (TOP) competition in Colombia, SC on March 4, at SIPA. Starks worked diligently on his art piece in a stressful environment where he needed to rely on his teammates to be successful. “I loved the support that I received from my peers, (but) I was disappointed when we didn't finish (strong),” Starks said. "But what matters is that we tried our best.”
The iliad received many awards at SIPA, including the Scroggins Award: Best of South for Literary-Art Magazine, first place for Best of Show for Literary Magazine, and the highest evaluation rating title, “All-Southern”.
“Last year‘s magazine has gotten a lot of incredible honors which has been really exciting for both me and my team,” Gilbertson Hall said. “It feels great to be recognized (for) our hard work,” Gilbertson Hall said.
SIPA was a rewarding weekend for the iliad Editorial Board members who attended, and each came home with their own takeaways and ideas about how to improve their team.
“SIPA is a great way to learn about communication, (and) learn new things about your team in general,” Hendershot said. “It’s just a great bonding experience, (and) you can basically learn anything you want to know about from other students or professionals. It’s a great opportunity to learn new things”
Above: ROUSING RALLY: (From left to right) ODYSSEY Media Group Editor-in-Chief Molly Harwell, Editor-at-Large and Journalism I Facilitator Nico Williman, and iliad Editor-in-Chief Kaija Gilbertson Hall sit at the Georgia Scholastic Press Association (GSPA) spring conference and banquet on March 27. Gilbertson Hall assesses how GSPA spring conference and banquet is a great end-of-year field trip for the iliad Editorial Board and every staff who has attended. “GSPA allows our staff to take a field trip together (to) learn from other students as well as journalism professionals and strengthen our own skills,” Gilbertson Hall said. “It’s a great way to bond with other members and journalists from across the state.” Photo by Isabelle Duncan
After SIPA, the iliad Editorial Board couldn’t wait to attend the Georgia Scholastic Press Association (GSPA) spring workshop and awards banquet a month later, where they spent a day collecting awards, learning, and bonding.
“I have learned about our publication through GSPA is how large and prominent our publication is,” iliad Business Manager Cate Demaria said. “While I often assume people do not know the work we are doing, at GSPA we have been told many times by starting literary-art magazines that we are an inspiration for them.”
Approaching the end of the year, the current iliad Editorial Board is reviewing applications for the 2023-24 iliad Editorial Board. Applications opened at the end of March and closed on April 21 at 9 pm.
“As ever, we are looking for creative, coachable folks to apply for positions on staff,” adviser David Ragsdale said. “A fundamental understanding of the iliad, its practices, philosophy, and a vision for the growth of the publication and club are essential.”