Author Visit: Ferdia Lennon
Above: GLORIOUS VISIT: In partnership with the UGA Willson Center for Humanities and Art, the iliad will host a Q&A with author Ferdia Lennon on March 26. iliad Writing Director Margo McDaniel, a junior, will be co-moderating the event. “I hope that students can have the opportunity to engage with (Lennon),” McDaniel said. “It’s important for schools to host author visits, (because) students can see possible career paths (for) their future.” Graphic by Niles Flath and Victoria Garland
Award winning author Ferdia Lennon will visit CCHS on March. 26 to speak to students and staff about his experience as an author.
Ferdia Lennon, the author of “Glorious Exploits,” will visit Clarke Central High School’s Media Center on March 26 for a moderated Q&A about his experiences as an author. The event will be held during third block, and invitations have been extended to Lit 12 classes and teachers.
“Getting to hear from a professional about their path and creative process is huge for high schoolers,” iliad Business Manager Mattie Pittard, a junior who will be co-moderating the event, said. “Author visits bring knowledge, culture and new ideas to (students).”
Lennon was born and raised in Dublin, Ireland and currently lives in Norwich, England with his wife and son. After studying at University College Dublin, Lennon wrote his award-winning novel “Glorious Exploits,” which will be a topic of discussion during the Q&A session. iliad Writing Director Margo McDaniel, a junior who will co-moderate the session, is excited to see the impact on fellow students.
“(Students) will (get) to see someone who’s a successful writer, which can be really inspiring,” McDaniel said. “It’s an opportunity for students to connect with a new author (that) they might not know much about.”
The event will begin with an introduction and Q&A session moderated by McDaniel and Pittard. Then, the floor will open for students to ask Lennon questions about his work.
“I hope that students can have an opportunity to participate and that they get to engage with (Lennon) in a more personal sense,” McDaniel said. “I hope that (students) find it meaningful and that they learn something new.”
The author visit was organized by iliad Literary-Art Magazine adviser and English department co-chair David Ragsdale along with Media Specialists Anglea Pendley and Naomi Craver, who have partnered with the University of Georgia’s Willson Center for Humanities and Arts.
“The Wilson Center’s outreach through the years has allowed our students not only access but also the opportunity to engage with some of our generation’s most creative and successful artists,” Ragsdale said. “I’m incredibly grateful to our administration, our media specialists and the good folks at the Willson Center for these continued opportunities.”
Story by Niles Flath
Niles Flath is a junior at Clarke Central High School in Athens Georgia. She serves as Outreach Director for the iliad Literary-Art Magazine. Flath hopes to make connections with creators both inside and outside the CCHS walls and showcase their work through the iliad program. In her free time, she likes playing tennis, swimming, and hanging out with friends.